Monday, 7 June 2004 - 1:36 AM EDT
Dondi Berry
I am having trouble with my e-mail, so I am trying to contact you from here. I have also e-mailed Anjel and Chris this way, but not sure that they will get it. Please forward this to them, just in case. Katy has never signed on this web log, so I can't contact her through this web site. I have e-mailed her several times and never got a response. I got a letter from her 2 days ago, along with several photos of Brandon. I will always be so grateful for that. Anyway, when she wrote me, (snail mail)she never mentioned the e-mails I sent her.
I am having a Brandon Berry Memorial Day on June 26th. I would love to see some of Brandon's Howe friends attend. I will pay for your hotel room if you come. Please extend this hotel offer to Brandon's close friends from Howe. Please see Brandon's home page for details and let me know if you are coming. I'll make reservations.